Clogging Lessons
Clogging is a type of folk dance in which the dancer's footwear is used percussively by
striking the heel, toe, or both against a floor or each other to create audible rhythms, usually.
to the downbeat with the heel keeping the rhythm.
2024 Beginner Lessons will start Wednesday, January 3 at Bel Air Elementary School.
Beginners meet 7-8 PM and Intermediate dancers meet 8-9 PM. Missy Leppo is our
volunteer instructor and has created a great mix of fun and entertaining dances set to
bluegrass, country, rock and pop music.
Open to youth (age 8 and above) and adults. Clogging is a great opportunity to dance and
exercise with friends and family. No special shoes are required to start. Old sneakers or
smooth bottom shoes will work best.
New students are only welcomed in January (for Winter-Spring 2024). First lesson is FREE!
Come to the first class on January 3 rd . If you enjoy the class, our fee for 20 weeks is $55.
Intermediate dancers can join at any session. Fee: 26 weeks for $65.
Program Chair: Nancy Castaldo, (Cell) 410-322-2883, na***@be*******.org