Bill Brown Cross Country

Bill Brown Website - upper half

The series, in its 35th year, consists of three introductory/development cross-country meets in Bel Air, Maryland on Oct. 6, Oct. 20, and Nov. 3, 2024.  Open to all boys and girls under age 14, it is named in honor of Bill Brown, 1951 Pan-American Games gold medalist, NCAA 880-yard run champion, and successful Harford County coach and physical education teacher from 1952 to 1983.

Races are held Sunday afternoons with registration beginning at 3 p.m.  The series is conducted by the Bel Air Recreation Committee.

The Bill Brown Youth Cross-Country Series,held annually for more than
30 years, consists of three introductory cross-country meets in Bel
Air beginning the first Sunday in October. Open to all boys and girls
under age 14, it is named in honor of Bill Brown, 1951 Pan-American
Games gold medalist and Hall of Fame coach and PE teacher from 1952 to
1983. The three meets of the series are held two weeks apart on Sunday
afternoons.  Race distances are 1/4 mile for the under-6 age group, a
half mile for 6-7, 8-9, and 10-11, and 1 mile for 12-3. In each meet,
medals are awarded to the top 3 boys and top 3 girls. At the third
meet, awards are presented to the fastest boy and girl overall in each
age group, and to the most improved (two per age group) based on the
time in the first meet. The three courses are at The John Carroll
School, the Churchville Rec Center, and Tollgate Park. A brief
instructional session and warmup precede the races of each meet.

Race Day Schedule and Distances

(Times after first race are approximate)

3:30  Clinic and Warm-up

3:45  Ages 5 and under --  1/4 mile

4:00  Ages 6 and 7 -- half mile

4:15  Ages 8 and 9 -- half mile

4:30  Ages 10 and 11 -- half mile

4:45  Ages 12 and 13 -- 1 mile

Boys’ race follows girls’ race.  In age 12-13, boys and girls race together.

Venues and Dates

Oct 13 -- Tollgate Park (lower fields), 800 N. Tollgate Rd, 21014

Oct 27 – Churchville Rec Center 3023 Level Rd, 21028 - Disc Golf Course

Nov 10 – C. Milton Wright High School, 1301 North Fountain Green Road, Bel Air, MD 21015

Entry Fee: Cost is $11 for the full series (includes T shirt) or $5 for a single race.

Registration: Pre-register on-line at (youth programs).  There is race-day registration at each meet but prior online registration is encouraged.

Inclement Weather: In the event of rain, a decision to postpone will be made by 1 p.m. race day.  Registered runners will be notified by email.

For information:


Bill Brown racing in Europe              


In each race, medals will be awarded to the top 3 boys and top 3 girls.  At the third meet of the series, awards will be presented to the fastest boy and girl overall in each age group, and to the 10 most improved (two per age group).

Those registering for three races receive screen-printed Bill Brown Series T shirts at the third meet.



Print: Full name _________________________________________________Age on Nov 3_____ Gender _____Amount enclosed _________


Mailing address _________________________________________ City ________________State____ Zip _______email __________________


Phone ____________ School __________________ Shirt size (circle one)  youth-small,   youth-med,   youth-lge,   adult-sm,   adult-med,   adult-lge


As a condition of my son or daughter’s participation in the Bill Brown Youth Cross-Country Series, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for personal injury and otherwise, which I may have against the sponsors and agents thereof or any other groups or persons involved in the Series, to any and all claims of liability.  By my signature, I hereby acknowledge reading and understanding this clause.  I certify that my son or daughter is in good health.


Signature of Parent or Guardian ____________________________________________________________Date ________________


Race Results


Oct 6 –Tollgate Park (lower fields), 800 N. Tollgate Rd,

Oct 20- Churchville Rec Center, 3023 Level Rd, 21028 Disc Golf Course (Open Fields)

Nov 3 – John Carroll High School (upper fields), 703 E. Churchville Rd. 21014

Teamsnap Logo

Contact Info

Bel Air Recreation Committee
525 W. MacPhail Rd.
Bel Air Md. 21014
