About Bel Air Rec Committee
Take some time to explore our Community youth and adult programs. The
Bel Air Recreation Committee serves over 10,000 participants each year, and we are committed to providing the highest quality programs and events to
the community.
Overview & Purpose
Bel Air Recreation Committee is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) organization and is incorporated under Maryland law. BARC operates approximately 45 recreational and athletic programs for adults and youth in the Bel Air area. BARC is an independent organization and is not an agency of the governments of Harford County or the Town of Bel Air. However, BARC does receive financial and facility support from those government entities.

Our Mission
The Bel Air Recreation Committee strives to provide affordable, quality programs to meet the needs of the community. We are committed to providing quality recreational services which are educational, fun and rewarding. Bel Air Recreation Committee promotes participation by all Bel Air citizens in diverse, interesting & high quality recreational and leisure opportunities in safe, accessible and well maintained facilities.
BARC Program Calendar
Program & Events