Bel Air Community Chorus

Bel Air Community Chorus
The Bel Air Community Chorus (BACC) performs a variety of music both sacred and secular, classical and popular, historical and contemporary. Our members come from Harford County and surrounding areas to make a unique contribution to the arts in Bel Air, Maryland.
The BACC is open to singers both high school and adult, our members come from a wide range of musical backgrounds and experiences. Beginners are welcome, as well as those with many years of choral experience. No auditions are required.
The choir performs two major concerts annually in December and June. Membership registration takes place at the beginning of each semester. The chorus rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm.
To learn more about the Chorus, visit

BACC Leadership
Sandra Files, Artistic Director
Brittanie Stott, Accompanist
2022 – 2023 Board of Directors
President: Amanda Krisher
Vice President: Heather Higgins
Secretary: Corrine Finney
Treasurer: Chris Depkin
Membership: Laury Miller
Community Outreach / Publicity: Valerie Eilman
Operations: Karen Donnelly
Interesting in Joining BACC?